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Vida Hotels x Rhea Harmoush

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ClientVida Hotels
Client ServicesCreative, Film

Vida Hotels is a space where entrepreneurial and artistic minds come to connect, create, relax and recharge.

Home to those who appreciate fashion, art, design, and entrepreneurship, Vida is a place where art is a lifestyle and fashion is a belief.

In line with the free-spirited brand, we wanted to avoid the stereotypical hotel property films. So we created an anti-brand film – allowing us to showcase the property through art, movement and music.

Collaborating with dancer Rhea Harmoush, using her talent and undeniable on-screen magnetism – we took viewers through the halls, spaces and rooms of VIDA, bringing to life the offerings available at the property, and not once, falling back into convention.


100k+ organic video views.


40k+ new customers reached.


100% positive sentiment online.